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After submission you are registered as Full Individual Member. Make sure that you have entered the correct information.


Note that your EMMC ASBL Full Individual Member application is subject to fulfilling the membership criteria and approval by the EMMC ASBL. Until approval, you have limited access to the EMMC website!

Note that your EMMC ASBL Organisational Member application is subject to fulfilling the membership criteria and approval by the EMMC ASBL. Until approval, you have limited access to the EMMC website!

By considering the provided information below the Organisational Member application email will be generated (similar to the proposed text in “EMMC ASBL Membership Categories and Fees”) and sent to the EMMC Board of Directors.

Subscription on EMMC activities info mails
As part of the EMMC communications and networking activities, we would like to inform you on our EMMC activities. You can unsubscribe at any time.

EMMC Terms and conditions
In order to sign up to this service, you have to read and agree to our terms and conditions.

The EMMC privacy policy in a nutshell
User data collected in this form shall be used for the purposes of communications and networking activities of the EMMC. Full information of how you can manage your Data Privacy, along with how we use your information is available in our Privacy and Data Protection.
