HaDeA - The European Health and Digital Executive Agency - initiated a Joint Workshop - Advanced Materials Characterisation and Modelling Projects, on February 26th, 2024, 9:30-12:00 CET.
The main meeting objectives were:
• The Councils (EMMC and EMCC) and DIGIPASS (RESILIENCE-39 CSA) presentations: objectives, upcoming activities, roadmap, survey, collaboration with projects
• Topics presentations: at a glance, objectives, activities, characterisation/modelling techniques improved/developed, brief outlook of projects under each topic
• Potential synergies and collaboration with sister projects and projects from other topics
• Clear state of play of the workflows and interoperability (e.g. CHADA/MODA/EMMO)
• Upcoming events
What was expected from the meeting:
• Projects get to know the sister projects, as well as projects from other topics in view of potential synergies and interactions;
• Projects are aware of the Councils and the CSA and know concretely how to cooperate and support them;
• Project are informed about the latest development of CHADA/MODA/EMMO and their interlinkages in view of their application in the different projects.
EMMC was represented by Executive Secretary Gerhard Goldbeck who informed the participating projects on "EMMC and its support and services for stakeholder cooperation"
Presentation is available for registered EMMC members!