Support and services provided by EMMC in Horizon Europe Work Programme

The role of EMMC in the Horizon Europe Work Programme

Published on 15.02.2022
Published by EMMC

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EMMC ASBL is a not-for-profit association that supports the field of modelling and digitalisation of materials, including processes and manufacturing. In particular, EMMC ASBL purpose includes to

  • Coordinate and support actors and mechanisms for the rapid transfer of modelling and digital representation of materials, as well as academic innovation, to end users and potential beneficiaries in industry.
  • Facilitate the integrated modelling and digital representation of materials in Europe, on a solid and coherent basis.

EMMC activities in support of these objectives include

The Horizon Europe Work Programme, for example in “Digital, Industry and Space” (Cluster 4) as well as in “Climate, Energy and Mobility” (Cluster 5) includes calls for proposals that either directly or indirectly refer to EMMC and its activities (including multi-scale modelling, MODA, ontologies, digitalisation, software etc).

EMMC recommends that projects which include activities in the field of materials modelling, data representation and digitalisation work collaborate under the EMMC ASBL umbrella as follows.


EMMC recommendations for Horizon Europe project proposals

Project beneficiaries who lead relevant tasks (e.g. modelling, ontology and materials digitalisation) should foresee the necessary budget to become Organisational Members of EMMC ASBL for the duration of the project. As Organisational Member they will be able to lead an EMMC Task Group that can be set up as an environment for clustering with other relevant projects, and collaboration with all EMMC members as individual experts.

Also, projects with at least one partner as Organisational Member can register as “EMMC related projects” and benefit from dissemination of activities by EMMC.

While EMMC cannot influence EC funding, in general, the cost of membership should be an eligible costs as it supports project collaborations, clustering and dissemination.

Useful resources for project proposals (including MODA templates, Roadmaps etc) can be found on


EMMC as contractor supporting inter-project collaboration

In addition to the above activities, EMMC offers to support inter-project coordination in relevant calls as a contractor to a project beneficiary. The contract will ensure clustering takes place, act as secretary to relevant Task Group(s), extract material for roadmap, write reports, and ensure feedback to all project partners. EMMC will organise workshops (online only) as relevant/required to support the work.

Hence as contractor, EMMC tasks may include the following

  • Organise projects coming together: support clustering, fostering interaction and improving synergies
  • Inter-project coordination regarding EMMC objectives and cooperation with wider stakeholder community (other EMMC members etc)
  • Support road-mapping activities in materials modelling and digitalisation
  • Produce project related outcome documents and ensure their dissemination within the project and support their publication to wider stakeholder community
  • Run (online) workshop(s)
  • Support the interactions with EMCC
  • Support cluster interactions with the EC

While exact details are subject to agreement with individual projects, EMMC insists on keeping close to the above list of tasks in a fair and community oriented way.

The estimated cost of contract is in the region of €12000 per project. It is recommended to specify the cost in category "other direct costs" (within costs of other goods and services ( C ) , i.e. not as sub-contracting.

For further information please contact Gerhard Goldbeck,

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